
Overall, I am very happy with the final outcome. I am delighted that I have learnt a new skill of book binding and brave enough to follow my convictions. I struggle with manual tasks due to the loss of fine motor control in my hands and fingers. I was doubtful that I would be able to compile and sew the pages together but with a little effort and help from my wife I was able to bind my book.

The idea for this assignment has been with me from the Square Mile, assingment one and I have been slowly adding to with my ideas and creative way of telling the story. My ideas, research and thoughts are included in my Xmind mindmap. The research has taken me almost on a police investigation and getting to the bottom of each story photographically rather than my old job of talking to people and gathering the facts and presenting the evidence.

Lesson learnt! Don’t run out of ink! This really has caused me problems and delays with this assignment. I have a 10-ink cartridge printer and I had forgotten how much ink it eats.

I also had to learn how to use Adobe Indesignand while I am qualified pre-press originator and familiar with using DTP such as QuarkXpressI found it quite challenging to compose this project and limitations with CMS. I routinely calibrate my monitor and printer with a ColorMunki Photoand create my own profiles. I am however, pleased with the final print and product and took control rather than outsourcing it to a company such DS Colourlabs.

I now await for my formative feedback.